Success Stories

Learn how other UK businesses have used external finance to reach their ambition

Here’s just some of the tens of thousands of smaller businesses funded through our partners, with the support of British Business Bank’s programmes.

Have you received finance from one of our partners using one of our programmes? Do you want to have a chance of being featured as a success story on our website? Please email our Communications team to register your interest.

Growth Guarantee Scheme


Câr-y-Môr is the first community-owned regenerative ocean farm in Wales. With a diverse membership of over 300 individuals from various backgrounds, Câr-y-Môr has become a shining example of community-driven sustainability and innovation.

Read the success story about Câr-y-Môr
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Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS)

Anglian Country Inns

Having failed to secure vital working capital before the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent closure of hospitality businesses as a result of the outbreak hit Anglian Country Inns’ finances even harder.