The British Business Bank uses research and analysis to design, improve and create new solutions to make finance markets work better. We regularly evaluate our interventions to ensure that they continue to address effectively market weaknesses.
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Annual Report 2024
Showing 37 - 54 of 84 results
Showing 37 - 54 of 84 results
Small Business Finance Markets report 2022
The Small Business Finance Markets Report 2020/21 explores the impact of Covid-19 on small businesses and provides a comprehensive review.
Enterprise Capital Funds interim evaluation report 2021
This interim evaluation provides supporting evidence on the effectiveness of the ECF programme in meeting its’ objectives.
UK Venture Capital Financial Returns 2021
The UK Venture Capital Financial Returns 2021 report provides a comprehensive assessment of the performance of UK VC funds since 2002, as well as providing comparisons to the US and the rest of Europe.
Small businesses and the transition to net zero
The British Business Bank has launched its flagship research into small businesses in the UK and net zero in 2021.
Regions and Nations Tracker 2021
Our Regions and Nations Tracker explores the geographic patterns seen in UK smaller business finance. This first annual tracker is designed to complement our flagship Small Business Finance Markets report with additional regional analysis.
Annual Report and Accounts 2021
Read the British Business Bank Annual Report on the performance of the Bank during the 2022/2023 financial year.
Small Business Equity Tracker 2021
Our Small Business Equity Tracker 2021 report provides an in-depth assessment of equity finance for smaller businesses. It is intended not only to inform the development of the Bank’s own strategy, but also to inform wider developments in both the market and government policy.
Small Business Finance Markets Report 2021
The report focuses on the impact of Covid-19 on small business finance markets and the implications for 2021, and the use of finance by smaller businesses and market developments in finance products.
UK Private Debt Research Report 2020
The UK Private Debt Research Report 2020, published with support from the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA), is the first time primary data collection and analysis has been reported for the smaller and Lower Mid-Market segment of the UK private debt market.
UK Venture Capital Financial Returns 2020
The UK Venture Capital Financial Returns 2020 report provides a comprehensive assessment of the performance of UK VC funds since 2002, and an overview of the current VC market, in light of Covid-19.
Alone together: Entrepreneurship and diversity in the UK
Our report on entrepreneurship and diversity in the UK examines the profound effects ethnic and economic background, gender and place have on entrepreneurial opportunities and outcomes.
Small Business Finance Markets update, July 2020
The quarterly markets update provides an overview of the main developments in SME finance markets. It updates key data contained in the Small Business Finance Markets 2019/20 report for the period from April to June.
Small Business Equity Tracker 2020
Our Small Business Equity Tracker 2020 report provides an in-depth picture of equity finance for smaller businesses. It is intended not only to inform the development of the Bank’s own strategy, but also to inform wider developments in both the market and government policy.
Small Business Finance Markets Update, April 2020
Small Business Finance Markets Update, April 2020
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investment Fund - Early Assessment Report
This report covers the early assessment of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investment Fund (CIoSIF) which took place between January and March 2020.
Midlands Engine Investment Fund - Early Assessment Report
This report covers the early assessment of the Midlands Engine Investment Fund (MEIF) which took place between September 2019 and March 2020.
Small Business Finance Markets Report 2020
This year’s report explores developments since the Bank’s creation in 2014 alongside a more in-depth look at opportunities for strengthening local finance markets across the UK.
UK Venture Capital Financial Returns 2019
The Analysis of UK Venture Capital Financial Returns report provides the most comprehensive and robust approach to date for assessing the comparative performance of UK VC funds compared to US VC funds since 2002.